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Showing posts from March, 2014

When you thought I was not looking

When you thought I was not looking Hung my first painting on the refrigerator And that made me want to paint another When you thought I was not looking Fed a cat on the street And I learned to be kind to animals When you thought I was not looking Cooked a birthday cake for me And I knew that little things are very important things When you thought I was not looking You said a prayer And I discovered that there is always one with God that I can talk When you thought I was not looking Gave me a kiss good-night And I felt loved. When you thought I was not looking I noticed some tears in your eyes And I knew that some things are painful - But there's nothing wrong with crying When you thought I was not looking You smiled And I felt pretty When you thought I was not looking - I looked ... And I want to say thanks For all she has done When you thought I was not looking -paulo coelho

The WhatsApp Architecture Facebook Bought For $19 Billion

 To start with lets have some facts about watsapp : 450 million active users, and reached that number faster than any other company in history. 32 engineers, one developer supports 14 million active users. 50 billion messages every day across seven platforms (inbound + outbound). 1+ million people sign up every day. $0 invested in advertising. 35% is how much of Facebook's cash is being used for the deal. Hundreds of nodes. >8000 cores. Hundreds of terabytes of RAM. >70M Erlang messages per second.  As a programmer if you ask me if WhatsApp is worth that much I’ll answer expletive no! It’s just sending stuff over a network. Get real. But I’m also the guy that thought we don’t need blogging platforms because how hard is it to remote login to your own server, edit the index.html file with vi, then write your post in HTML? It has taken quite a while for me to realize it’s not the code stupid, it’s getting all those users