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When you thought I was not looking

When you thought I was not looking
Hung my first painting on the refrigerator
And that made me want to paint another

When you thought I was not looking
Fed a cat on the street
And I learned to be kind to animals

When you thought I was not looking
Cooked a birthday cake for me
And I knew that little things are very important things

When you thought I was not looking
You said a prayer
And I discovered that there is always one with God that I can talk

When you thought I was not looking
Gave me a kiss good-night
And I felt loved.

When you thought I was not looking
I noticed some tears in your eyes
And I knew that some things are painful -
But there's nothing wrong with crying

When you thought I was not looking
You smiled
And I felt pretty

When you thought I was not looking -
I looked ...

And I want to say thanks
For all she has done
When you thought I was not looking

-paulo coelho


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