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How to find Virus using cmd

Today I am going to show you how to find virus using this simple cmd command.In order to learn how to find the virus and delete it ,just follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to search and type cmd,open it.
  2. In cmd type cd\ and press enter key and then type 'attrib' and press enter .
  3. A list will appear
  4. If the file in front of SHR has a .exe or .inf extension , then it means that it is a virus!...If not your PC is safe.

How to Delete The Virus

  1. type "attrib -s -h -r nameoffile.inf" and press enter key (change name of file to the fie with virus)
  2. then type "del nameoffile.inf"  and press enter.
In nameoffile type the file name which is infested with virus.

Boom! You have deleted the virus now!!
Hope it helped ..Thank you :)


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